Adventures of a Stay at Home Mom

Just what the title says, this is the adventures of a SAHM.

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Location: Tennessee, United States

I am a 35 yr old SAHM to my beautiful daughter Jessica. We have lived in Middle TN for 7 yrs now. I grew up in a Navy family & have lived everywhere from Japan to South Carolina. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 11 yrs. We are currently trying to adopt our second child from the US.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


The people backed out at the last minute because of the flood plain. Isn't that the way it always goes. We're hoping that they'll still be interested if we can get out of the flood plain. Our realtor wasn't real positive either. She said "I'd be suprised if anyone would buy in the flood plain". WTH! A lot of really nice houses around here are in the flood plain & haven't had any problem selling. Anyway, the realtor said she believes she can get us out of the flood plain. So, I'm pretty disapointed, but I've just got to keep trusting that God will provide.


Blogger Shelly said...

Oh no sweetie. I Really hope that you can get out of that flood plain. and they end up buying your house after all. I'll be praying for ya'll HUGS

4:09 PM  

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